AAB ABM-100 Smartphone Anemometer

AAB ABM-100 Smartphone Anemometer


Berdagang alat- alat Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
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Name       : tatang survey
Alamat      : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email        : tatangms409@gmail.com 
Telp          : 082124100046

WhatsApp  :082124100046

The ABM-100 Airflow Balancing Meter is an anemometer that fits in your pocket. It’s our first of a series of tools that connect to smart devices and are specifically designed for the HVAC industry.

The ABM-100 easily and instantly converts air speed into air volume for you. Then it records the data to a history log, which can be emailed for professional looking reports.

Download one of our free apps for iOS or Android and plug in your ABM- 100 meter - it’s really that easy. Enter the grille or duct dimensions and then hold it up to a grille or duct opening. Your phone does the rest. By using a series of algorithms the ABM automatically calculates the airflow volume. No more memorizing formulas and using a calculator and notepad.

The ABM-100 also provides the ability to automatically adjust the free space calculation if a grille is present. It also has the ability to add comments with each reading if desired.

AAB ABM-100 Smartphone AnemometerThe ABM-100 is designed to be better than any other handheld anemometer on the market. The ABM-100 was calibrated for extreme accuracy at the University of Florida’s Aerospace Engineering Department


  • Compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod, and all major Android devices
  • Measures airflow in:
    • Linear Feet Per Minute
    • Cubic Feet Per Minute
    • Cubic Meters Per Hour
    • Linear Meters Per Second
  • Accurate to the larger of +/- 0.5% of the reading or 0.1 m/s at up to 15° off-axis
  • Range is from 19 LFM (1 m/s) to 11,000 LFM (56 m/s)
  • Resolution is 0.1 m/s
  • Rugged and eco-friendly packaging that serves as a reusable storage case
  • Onscreen guidance reduces margin of error

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